CSE Dept organized FDP on "Outcome based Education & NEP" from 6 Martch to 11 March 2025
IQAC sanjeevan Organizes Seminar on " Empowering Excellence" on 25/02/2025
CSE Dept. has organized Student Development Programs for SY, TY, Final Year Students
National Level Technical Event: Parikrmaa2k24 on 28 March 2024
Mrs. Purnima Vaze, Director of Elcom International Pvt Ltd MIDC Kagal and her HR team visited our institute on Monday 12-2-24.
Soft Skill development program- Electrical Engineering Dept
BSH Dept.organizes the One Week Online FDP from 11/03/2024 To 15/03/2024
Women empowerment cell had organised guest lecture of Dr. Geetanjali Devtale on "Effects of puberty on health" on 23/02/2024
Annual Parents Meet at CSE Department on 10/06/2023
Symphony 2023: Annual Cultural Event 2023
Pool Campus Drive @ Sanjeevan on 8/05/2023
Annual Sports Events from 17/04/2023 To 19/04/2023
Sanjeevan has organized One Day workshop on " IPR Awareness & Filing Procedures" on 25/03/2023
One Day workshop on "Prototype& Process Design & Development on 10/3/2023
START-UP Summit @ Sanjeevan Panhala on 20-03-2023
Workshop on Professional Adobe Digital Creativity Skills o 16/02/2023
One Week Workshop on “Soft/Life Skills Training Workshop-2022” In Association with Rubicon, Pune
Gender Sensitization workshop organized by Women empowerment cell dated:9/12/2022
Sanjeevan has organized one day workshop on "ERP Software" on 25/08/2022
Felicitation of Students & Parents by Sanjeevan & GTT Pune on 2/09/2022
CSE Dept. has organized One Week SDP on "Python:Basic To Advance" from 6/6/22 To 10/6/22
Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute has organized National Level Technical Event Parikramaa2k22 on 6/5/2022
Dept.of Mech in association with ISTE organizes One Week FDP from 9/05/2022 To 13/5/2022
Sanjeevan Engg. & Tech.Institute, Panhala has organized National Level Technical Event on 6/5/2022
Electrical Dept. has organized one day guest lecture on "Alumni Talk" on 4/04/2022
CSE department has conducted workshop on"Basics of Computer Hardware & Assembly" on 4/04/2022
Electrical Dept. has conducted SDP on “Introduction to PLC & Programming” Date:- 04th to 08th April, 2022.
Republic Day Celebration:26/01/2022@ Sanjeevan
75th Independence Day celebration at Sanjeevan Panhala on 15/08/2021
SANJEEVAN has organized Campus Recruitment Event on 9/8/2021
Sanjeevan celebrates Republic Day on 26/01/2021
Flag Hosting Ceremony on 15 August 2020@Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute,Panhala
Cultural Event-"SYMPHONY-2020" Schedule
Parikramaa2k20-Technical Event on 3/03/2020
Project Based Learning Competition on 2 March 2020
Annual Sports Function 2019-20
Workshop on "Machine Learning" on 1/11/2019 organised by CSE Dept.
Sanjeevan Celebrates "Khande-Navami" on 7/10/2019
UPSC Exam Preparation Workshop @SETI,Panhala on 11/09/2019
First Year Induction Program
Welcome function for First Year Engineering Students 2019-20 on 22/08/2019
GURU PORNIMA celebration at SETI
Demonstrative Session on Fire Extinguisher
Workshop on, “Demonstration on Hot Line Maintenance of Transmission Line” Under Lead collage activity, Shivaji University Kolhapur on 15/03/2019 by Electrical engg Dept.
Symphony-2019 Cultural program on 7 & 9 March 2019
First Graduation Ceremony 2019 on 7/03/2019 at SETI,Panhala
Maharashtra Vidyarthi Abhiyanta Parishad-2019 on 8/03/2019
Auto Dept. has organized the Three Day program on "Computational Fluid Dynamics"
Third Project Based Learning Competition on 2 March 2019
संजीवन अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयाच्या विद्यार्थ्यामार्फत स्वच्छताअभियान
E&TC has organized the SDP on A&WP
संजीवन मध्ये एक दिवसीय पासपोर्ट व पॅनकार्ड कार्यशाळा संपन्न
National Sports Day Celebration at SETI,Panhala
First Year Welcome Function on 2/08/2018 for Academic Year:2018-19
AUTO-SPARK 2K18 Event ,organized by Automobile Engg.Dept. on 10/03/2018
EDC Event- "Overseas Education & Opportunities." held on 22 feb 2018
Electrical Dept.has conducted One Week Student Development Program under Lead Collage Activity on "Electrical CAD " from 2/01/2018 To 6/01/2018.
"Department of Electrical has Sucessfully Conducted Workshop on PLC, Automation & Mechatronics for students. [17/8/17-24/8/17]"
IQA Cell,SETI, has organized Workshop on "OBE Based Education and Lesson Plan Preparation" on 27&28 Oct.2017
T&P has organized Online Test for "Directi Campus placement drive" on 28/10/2017
Auto Dept. has conducted One Day Workshop on "General Maintenance of Two Wheelers and Free Check-up Camp” under LEAD college activity in association with Kolhapur District Two Wheeler Mechanic Association(KD2MA).
Seminar on "Banning Chinese products and using indigenous products" conducted by NSS,SETI,Panhala
First Year Wel-come Function
PARIKRAMAA 2K17-National Event held on 15/03/2017
Project based learning competition for First Year held on 03/03/2017
Automobile Dept. has organized One Day workshop on "ABAQUES"
E&TC Dept.has organized Two Days Workshop on Brain Wave Control Robot
Flag Hosting Ceremony @ SETI,Panhala
Civil Dept. has organised workshop on "Municipal to Submission Drawing Using CAD" from Jan 2017
LIC Committee Visit on 19/01/2017
SETI Symphony 2017- Cultural Event
Department of Automobile Engineering organizing one week STTP on "COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS" from 27th Dec to 31th Dec 2016.
A seminar on " Stress Management" scheduled on 24th Dec.2016
One week Faculty Developement Program [FDP] on “Recent Trends in PLC, LabVIEW & Internet of Things (IoT)” from 26th – 30th December 2016 organized by Electrical & E&TC Depr.
Institutes Second alumni meet successfully organized on 24/10/2016.
The students from the Electrical department did the 'ENERGY AUDIT’ at Somwar peth and Ravivar peth at Panhala. Uder this activity students insist citizens for how to save energy and use of LED Lamps.
NSS SETI organized "Jan Jagruti Rally" under Swachha Panhala Sunder, Panhala Plastic Mukta Panhala
Department of Automobile Engineering conducted One Day Workshop on “GENERAL MAINTENANCE OF TWO WHEELERS” on 30/09/2016.
NSS SETI Organised and Celebrated "Swachh Bhatat Abhiayan on the Occasion of Gandhi Jayanti"
T & P conducted Session on “Group Discussion & Soft Skills” by ITM, Mumbai on 20/09/2016. Time : 11.15 am to 1.15 pm. Venue : Sanjeevan Auditorium Hall.
Two days workshop on “Piping Technology” organized by Mechanical Department ,MESA students & Envision Institute . MoU signed with Envision Institute in presence of Principal Dr. G.V.Mugund
SETI conducting Inter Zonal holly ball( Men) tournaments on 23rd and 24th September 2016. ...for more information contact Sports Coordinator of SETI,Ingavale Sir (mob-9146999595)
A Guest Lecture on "Industrial Metallurgy" by Mr. Sanket S. Vathare, Managing Director, Atlanta Metallurgical Services was arranged by Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 1,2016.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed between Atlanta Metallurgical Services, MIDC, Shiroli, Kolhapur and Department of Mechanical Engineering, SETI, Panhala on June 3, 2016.
One day workshop on "TEACHING METHODOLOGY" for Final Year (UG) Syllabus organised by Automobile Department in collaboration with Shivaji University , Kolhapur
TWO DAYS WORKSHOP ON TRANSFORMER TESTING & DESIGNING ON 1st & 2nd Aug 2016" organized by Electrical Department.
One Week ISTE approved Workshop on "Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing"
Workshop is arranged for Mechanical Engineering Students on 15 July 2016
“One Day Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights & Patenting”on 29/12/2015