Department of Automobile Engineering
Events 2019
1. DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Participated on Parikramaa Technical Event 2019 on 1st March 2019
2. DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING has organised Three Days Program on “COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS” Under Lead college Activity from 20/02/2019 To 23/02/2019
Events 2018
AUTO-SPARK 2K18 Event With special Attraction AUTO EXPO 2K18 On 10th March 2018
Events 2017
1. One Day Workshop on "General Maintenance & Free Check-up for Two Wheeler" on 19/092017,Lead LEAD college activity in association with Kolhapur District Two Wheeler Mechanic Association(KD2MA).

2. Department of Automobile Engineering successfully organized one week STTP on "COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS" (CMEA) from 27th Dec to 31th Dec 2016.
3. A one day workshop on " ABAQUS" dated on Thursday 17th februarye 2017 arranged by Department of Automobile Engineering SETI, Panhala. This program was to focus and enhance skill of Automobile engineering students in analysis field. Also to learn key features, simulation and optimization process using ABAQUS.
The inauguration function commenced at 11:45.00 am. Mr. Vighnesh Patil, Business Development (EDS Technology) and Vighnesh Naidu, Application specialist (EDS Technology) were chief guest for the program. Prof. S. L. Ghodake , head of Automobile engineering has felicited the guest. This workshop is arranged by Prof. S. K. Pisal

4. ISHRAE STUDENT CHAPTER REVIVAL 23 Sept 2017, Year- 2017 -18
Jointly Organised by Automobile Engineering Department and ISHRAE Kolhapur Sangli Subchapter
Program objectives are to Continuing education of students in Heat, Refrigeration and Air conditioning through Lectures, Workshops, Product Presentations, Publications and Expositions and to Encouragement of scientific research.
This function was blessed by Prof. Sardar Shaikh from Dr. J.J. Magdum college of engineering. He had given oath of ISHRAE for student and faculty members and also delivered lecture on "Energy conservation and labelling", in his lecture he has explained how to save electricity with star mentioned equipments.

5. Workshop Name:
“ General Maintenance of Two Wheelers and Free Check-up Camp” under LEAD college activity in association with Kolhapur District Two Wheeler Mechanic Association(KD2MA).
Date and Time: 19th Sept., 2017 10.00 am to 4.30 pm
Frist Session: Common Activity
Dismantling of Clutch, Carburetor tune-up, Periodic Maintenance
Second Session: Students Practice and free Check-up activity
Clutch Setting, Break Setting, Engine Oil Change, Battery check-up, RR Unit Check-up etc…

6. Industrial visit was carried out at ASHIRWAD TYRE, Kolhapur, on 16th September 2017 especially for Third year student.
The main objective behind the visit was to make student aware about how tyre remolding process work, various machines are use, industrial environment. Visit coordinator Prof. D.S.Virkar along with 30 students left for visit at 10.30 a.m. and took about one hour to cover the distance. The company is located at Kolhapur- Pune highway , near shiye phata, Kolhapur. As soon as we reached company we were guided by Mr. Dharmraj sawant , initially they told the orientation of company after that they guided for the various tyre remolding machines & manufacturing process of tyre remolding.
I along with student would like to extend our gratitude to company for permission and supprot they gave to make our visit a success with accomplishment of objective.

7. Two Day program on "Introduction to recent Automotive Technology" - 17 and 18, August 2017.
Jointly Organised by Automobile Engineering Department, Trendy wheels Pvt. Ltd. and Mai Hyundai Kolhapur. Program objectives are to know recent technologies in Automotive sector and to make it practically aware . Beneficiary: S.E. , T.E. and B.E. Automobile engineering students.
The program aims towards to make aware about technological feature that controls the car from the drivers in emergency situations. It will be instilled with a sensitive sensor technology that plays it all. The primary purpose was to reduce accidents and keep an eye on safety. Mr. Santosh Patil has explained Electronic Stability Control (ESC) helps to avoid a crash by significantly reducing the risk of your car going into a skid during a sudden emergency manoeuvre such as avoiding an obstacle in front of you. ESC identifies this risk early and stabilizes the car by braking individual wheels.
Mr. Santosh has talked on Warning and Emergency Braking Systems detect at an early stage the danger of an accident with the vehicle

Events 2016
1. A one day workshop on " General maintenance of Two- wheeler" dated on Friday 30th September 2016 jointly arranged by Department of Automobile Engineering SETI, Panhala and in association with Kolhapur District Two Wheeler Mechanic association, Kolhapur.

2. A one day workshop on “Teaching Methodology” for Final Year Automobile jointly organized by Department of Automobile Engineering at Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala and Shivaji University, Kolhapur dated on 30th July 2016.
3. A one week STTP program on "ADVANCES IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (ARAC-16) jointly organised by Department of Automobile Engineering at Sanjeevan Engineering and Technology Institute, Panhala & ISHARE Kolhapur-Sangali Sub chapter during 2 Feb- 6 Feb, 2016.

4. A one day seminar on “Persenality Development programe” by Mrs. Sneha Pai for B.E. and T.E. Automobile Students dated on 2nd September 2015.

5. A one day workshop on “Teaching Methodology” for T.E. Automobile jointly organized by Department of Automobile Engineering at Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala and Shivaji University, Kolhapur dated on 14th August 2015.