
Creating a library focused on applied art and craft can be a valuable resource for students, educators, and enthusiasts in the field. Here's a list of categories and types of resources you might consider including in such a library:

1. Books:

  • Art History and Craft Movements: Books that explore the history of art and craft movements, providing insights into the evolution of techniques and styles.

  • Design Principles: Books on design theory, color theory, composition, and other foundational design concepts.

  • Craft Techniques: Books detailing various craft techniques such as woodworking, ceramics, metalwork, textiles, glasswork, and more.

  • Studio Practices: Resources that offer insights into setting up and organizing creative workspaces for different craft disciplines.

2. Magazines and Periodicals:

  • Subscriptions to art and craft magazines that provide updates on current trends, artist profiles, and project ideas.

  • Journals featuring scholarly articles on applied art, craft history, and contemporary practices.

3. Exhibition Catalogs:

  • Catalogs from exhibitions showcasing applied art and craft, providing visual inspiration and insights into innovative works.

4. DVDs and Videos:

  • Instructional videos demonstrating specific craft techniques, step-by-step project guides, and artist interviews.

5. Digital Resources:

  • E-books and digital versions of art and craft resources for easy access on electronic devices.

  • Online databases with academic articles, research papers, and archival materials related to applied art and craft.

6. Reference Materials:

  • Reference books containing information about materials, tools, terminology, and historical contexts relevant to various craft disciplines.

7. Project and Pattern Books:

  • Books with DIY projects, patterns, and templates for craft enthusiasts to follow and create their own pieces.

8. Artist Monographs:

  • Books dedicated to individual artists or craft practitioners, exploring their works, techniques, and artistic journeys.

9. Exhibition and Gallery Catalogs:

  • Catalogs from exhibitions and galleries showcasing applied art and craft, providing insights into contemporary trends and innovative works.

10. Artistic Inspiration:

  • Books that focus on creative inspiration, featuring artworks, design concepts, and innovative ideas.

11. Business and Marketing Guides:

  • Resources that guide artisans and craft professionals on business aspects, including branding, marketing, pricing, and selling their creations.

12. Cultural and Ethnographic Studies:

  • Books and resources that delve into traditional crafts, indigenous art forms, and the cultural significance of craft practices around the world.

Consider your target audience and the specific areas of applied art and craft that your library aims to cover when selecting resources. Additionally, regularly updating the collection, offering workshops, and creating a comfortable reading and research environment can enhance the value of your library for the applied art and craft community.


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