SDP on "Antenna & Wave Propagation (Design & Development)"
Two days student development program (SDP) on “Antenna & Wave Propagation (Design & Devlopment)” was organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication under Lead college Shivaji University, Panhala at Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala on 5th & 6th Oct, 2018. Mr. Dipak Khonde (Director, Arraycon Technology Enterprises, Sangli) & Mr. M. V. Bhopale (Director, Mihir Enterprises, Pune) conducted the sessions for the SDP. Different types of antennas designed and developed by the participants. On next day all participants & faculty visited to Panhala Police wireless station and DYSP Panhala Police wireless station M. Y. Joshi guided the audience on that occasion. This SDP blessed with the valuable guidance of Chairman Hon. Shri P. R. Bhosale, Joint Secretary Hon Shri N. R. Bhosale, Principal Dr. Mohan Vanarotti & E&TC HOD Mr. V. S. Mane. This SDP was coordinated by Mrs. P. Y. Bhosale with the help of Mrs. V. N. Abdulpur and all faculty members of E&TC.

Seminar on "Soft Skill & Placements"

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department organized a Seminar on ''Soft Skills & Placement" on 31st July, 2018 at Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala.The Chief guest and Resource person for the course was Mr. Rajendra G. Kore, Director Advanced Institute of Management Studies (AIMS), Pune. This programme will be useful for students and their future curriculum. The programme was co-ordinated by Dr. S. T. Jadhav., and convenor Mr. V. S. Mane along with all Departmental staff members.The vote of thanks expressed by Dr. S. T. Jadhav.
Two Days Workshop on " SOFT SKILL DEVELOPMENT"
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering department organized two days workshop on "Soft Skill Development" on 27th & 28th July, 2018. The chief guest and Resource person for the course was Prof. A. B. Kolekar, Department of Basic Human Science, Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala. Students of department learned and enjoyed all the sessions enthusiastically. This programme will be useful for students placement and bright future. The programme was co-ordinated by Mr. C. M. Gaikwad along with all Departmental staff members.The vote of thanks expressed by Prof. C. M. Gaikwad.
Two Days Workshop on Brain Wave Control Robot
Two days workshop on Brain Wave Control Robot was conducted by E&TC Department in association with RoboKart, Mumbai. The sessions were conducted by Mr. Mukesh Choudhari Design Engineer from Robokart. The students from various departments and other colleges from Belgaum and Shivaji University were participated for the workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Mrs. Poonam Bhosale & Mr. Suraj Shinde.

One Week FDP on PLC, LabVIEW & IoT
One week FDP was organized by Department of E&TC & Electrical in association with SKADA Technology Solution Private Limited, Pune. The sessions were conducted by Mr. Sushant Kerimani ( Founder ,Director - SKADA Technology Solution Private Limited, SKADA Technology Research & Training, SK Education Foundation ) & Amit Amrutkar ( Sr. Application Engineer, Delta Electronics, Industrial Automation Branch , Pune). Aditya Akalwar (Sales Engineer - Delta Electronics, Industrial Automation Branch , Pune) & Vinod K. ( Project Engineer - SKADA Technology Solution Private Limited ) were present for the FDP. All the E&TC & Electrical faculties were actively participated in the FDP along with faculties from other institutes under Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The FDP was coordinated by Mr. Suraj Shinde & Mr. Arvind Bhandare.

Tree Plantation On the Occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
Department of E&TC arranged social activity on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2nd October, 2016. On this occasion tree plantation activity carried out in presence of Principal Dr. G. V. Mulgund, Academic Dean Mrs. T. T. Mohite-Patil, HOD Mr. Vikas Mane and all staff and students. This activity coordinated by ASSET coordinator Mr. Chetan Gaikwad.

Inauguartion Of Didigal Design Kits
On the occasion of Welcome Function arranged on 30th September, 2016, department of E&TC in presence of Hon. Shri P. R. Bhosale, Hon. Shri N. R. Bhosale, Principal Dr. G. V. Mulgund, Academic Dean Mrs. T. T. Mohite-Patil inaugurated the digital design kits prepared as mini project by Sencond year students. The students done this under the valuable guidance of subject teacher Mr. Chetan Gaikwad and technical assistant Mr. S. B. Patil.

ASSET celebtated Teacher's/ Engineer's Day & Welcome Function
Student Association of Department of E&TC organized and celebrated Teacher's/ Engineer's Days and SE Welcome Function on 30th September, 2016. Hon. Shri P. R. Bhosale (Chairman, Sanjeevan Knowledge City, Panhala), Hon. Shri N. R. Bhosale (Joint-Secretary, Sanjeevan Knowledge City, Panhala), Mrs. T. T. Mohite- Patil (Academic dean, SETI, Panhala), Mr. Vikas Mane (HOD, E&TC), Heads of all department and all teaching and non-teaching staff were present on this occasion. All students enjoied the function.

One Day Workshop On Design & Implementation of Antenna
One day workshop on Design & Implementation of antenna was arranged for Third year E&TC students by Department of E&TC on 24th September, 2016. The resorce person was Mr. Aniruddha Kulkarni (Engineer) Procom Enterprises Kolhapur. The workshop was beneficial to students as they studied basics of antenna design and implemented various types of antennas for communication. At around 49 students attended the workshop. This workshop coordinated by Ms. Prajakta Mohite & Mrs. Parveen Shikalgar.

Guest Lecture on Anteena & Wave propagation
A Guest lecture was arranged for Third year students by E&TC department by Mr. Dhairysheel Patil. A event was coordinated by Mr. Chetan Dongarsane.

Industrial Visit to ISRO, Banglore
An industrial visit was arranged by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering on 18th August 2016 for final year students to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Satellite Centre (ISAC) at Banglore. On this occasion one day training program was conducted which included an overview of Broadband communication, Optical fiber communication, GSM and PSTN. Also students were visited to Vishveshwarya science centre, Banglore. This visit was advantageous to students get detail knowledge in Satellite communication. The visit was coordinated by Mr. S. V. Vanmore, Mr. C. R. Dongarsane and Ms. P. B. Shikalgar.

Advisory Board Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd August, 2016
A Guest Lecture was arranged on Blueprint for Success...
Two Days Workshop On Robotics ROBOAVR
Two days workshop for SE, TE and BE students of all departments was arranged on 29th Feb. & 1st March, 2016 by Electroics & Telecommunication Engineering Department in association with Robogenesis, Pune. Mr. Siddarth Sharma Embedded Engineer, Robogenesis Banglore was resource person in assistant with Mr. Pankaj Lanke Assistant Engineer. At around 72 students attended the workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Mrs. P. Y. Bhosale & Mr. V. S. Mane.

One week FDP on Applications in Engineering Based on MATLAB