The Department has excellent, well spaced, highly ventilated Laboratories with lot of equipments and instruments of Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, S.E.T.I,Panhala Kolhapur
for details : click here
Engineering Physics Laboratory : details |
- This laboratory imparts knowledge through experiments in the areas of optics, acoustics, material science, electricity and electronics.
- The lab is fully equipped with high precision apparatus such as Ultrasonic Interferometer, Hysteresis set up, Lees Disc apparatus, Band gap kit etc., which gives innovative exposure to the students.
- Well designed and spacious lab (78.63 Sqm) which can accommodate 30 students at a time.
- A separate dark room is available to carry out the experiments such as laser, Spectrometer and Optical fiber.
- The lab is also well stocked with models and charts required for the proper understanding of the subject.
- We conduct practical by providing one experimental set up to three students.

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory :Details |
- This laboratory imparts knowledge through experiments in the areas of Electro chemistry, Polymers, Water Technology and Analytical Techniques.
- The Department has excellent, well spaced, highly ventilated and well-equipped laboratory infrastructure.
- Highly sophisticated Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer etc. are available to the students to practice.
- Periodically calibrated instruments are employed for practical to produce precise results. All the electrical experiments are performed with the help of distilled water and well-equipped laboratory infrastructure.

English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory (Humanities) : Details |
- To improve the communication skills of the students, an interactive and well equipped spoken language lab with modern computer equipments is in progress. Oréll Digital Language Lab (ODLL) software has enabled our students to enrich their vocabulary, hone their English pronunciation and channelize their confidence by improving their English Language Communication Skills. This bridges the gap that exists between the skills sets required by the corporate world and the skills acquired by the students, thereby facilitating substantial improvement in the employability of the students.
- Our Lab is striving for enrichment of the language, providing in depth knowledge and developing an eagerness to appreciate the language in its ingenuity to the students. It also caters to the development of Communication and Soft Skills of the students ensuring the growth, grooming and nurturing of perspectives in the minds of learners. The modern approach of teaching with technology is used to train students.
